
Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Library Tour and Presenting Projects

This blog is a little late, but I’ve been quite busy with other things unfortunately. Class last week was a little nerve racking, knowing that we had our Grammar Shmammer project. For my group we had to do the rules for Semicolons and Colons. I actually learned quite a lot from doing this project, at first I wasn’t quite sure what they were used for, but my knowledge has increased. One funny thing that occurred (I thought it was most humorous) I was presenting a slide and said “Oh Fuck” when trying to figure out how to work the slides. I apologized to the class of course and they thought it was funny as well. It sort of just came out, like word vomit. That was on Thursday, but on Tuesday we took a tour of the library and our class was shown how to work the website for RBC. I enjoyed the tour since I really didn’t know my way around the library that much, and I wasn’t sure how to work the book shelves. One thing I plan on doing is getting my library card and renting out movies. They had a great selection to choose from, and its a lot cheaper than buying movies or going to the red box. 

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Pop Culture Paper

This week in class we discussed our Pop Culture paper and wrote down a list of topics we could pick to argue about. We filled the whole board up, which actually surprised me. I originally didn’t think that there would be many topics for this section.  I am currently working on my rough draft and I’m very content with my selection for the paper. I’m choosing to write about how the media has a negative effect on adolescence when it comes to teen pregnancy. The media plays such an important role in the 21st century. They have the power to influence teens into believing what is acceptable behavior and what is not. Most of the time these images are negative.  Then when it comes to parenting, most parents are afraid to talk about prevention and contraception because they are embarrassed to talk about a subject such as sex with their kids. This is mostly in the United States as well. The US has the highest percentages of teen pregnancy and STDs than Canada, Britain, France and many other countries.  As adults we need to reevaluate our position on how sex should be taught to children. Even most high schools are afraid to bring up the topic because of fear of legal action taken by parents. Things need to change before our society is beyond the point of change. 

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Basic Social Introductions

 Well this is my first official blog post in quite sometime. I suppose if it was not required as a grade, I would have not initially done this, but shit happens so I’ll just have fun with it. My name is Jessica (what an original way to start an intro). I love cats, my cat’s name is Valentino. My mission in life is to continuously learn and grow as a human. I didn’t just take this English class because it was required, but instead to keep me on track with my writing skills. So I actually do look forward to writing this semester. I must say it has been quite some time since I have written an argumentative paper, probably not since junior year in AP. So there is a lot of refreshing to do, but the results will be bountiful.
The first two weeks of class were how I imagined them, slow but steady. The readings that were assigned were eye opening, even though everyone else said it was boring. Personally I thought the papers were well written, there were many examples, and texts from other authors and artists included in the argument. It’s not so important to me how it was written but the message that was intended for the reader. The question on the thought of originality, is being original possible? I believe in order to be a true artist your very essence or soul must be intertwined with your work. That is how something beautiful is created. No soul is ever the same, so if your work is true it will stand out all its own and be deemed something new and innovating. We can’t explain fully the emotions and feeling that are tied with being original, but when something new is presented it is evident that it is a work of its own.