This is officially the first in the series of posts for my
English 102 class. So for my peers reading this, disregard the pervious posts
before this one. Even though class has been canceled twice I have been keeping
up with all the readings so far. To start the class off we were assigned to
read an excerpt called ‘How to Become a Writer” by Lorrie Moore. Its main
purpose is to give her advice on the struggles of being a writer. I did enjoy
the style of her writing; I thought it was quirky and original. By making it in
second person I believe Moore is trying to get the reader to envision
themselves in her shoes, it also felt sort of like a flash back. Moore’s main criticisms
from others is that she has a lack of plot, and that is essentially the theme
of the excerpt, but that doesn’t necessarily mean there is no reasoning or
deeper meaning to the writing. I think a lack of plot is fitting, there is no “plot”
when it comes to living life, and Moore has experienced this first hand. She
explains that people had doubts about her choice in profession, but continues
to do what she believes in. Sometimes that just how life works and what she is criticized
the most for becomes what makes her an individual writer.
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