There are two poems that we have read this semester that are
from the Harlem Renaissance, a cultural movement in the 1920’s, and both
reflect the ideas and actions from that period. There is “We Real Cool” by
Gwendolyn Brooks and “Harlem” by Langston Hughes. I’ll start with Brooks who
uses the repetition of the word “We” at the end of each line. There are four
stanzas each containing two lines. Brooks says the inspiration for this poem
came when she saw boys playing pool in a bar on her way to school one day. She
said she wanted to write it from the perspective of the boys, being that they
thought they were “cool” for skipping school and going against the institution
of the man. In Hughes’ poem he uses repetition of sounds, similes and
alliteration. The main idea of the poem is the idea of a “deferred dream” or a
dream that is forgotten or left behind. A dream could symbolize the goals or
aspirations of man rather than literally a dream one has while sleeping (could
be seen as both I guess). Hughes’ then continues to describe different possible
ways man can dream, does it fester and stay on a mans mind driving him mad, or
does it just leave as if it had never been conjured by mans thoughts. Both
poems sort of go together in a funny way, because it makes me wonder what
happened to the dreams of the boys who were skipping school and playing pool

That connection is something that you could definitely explore more, in a future post or in an essay. I like it!