I hope everyone had a wonderful break and had a great
Thanksgiving with their family. There may be variations to how people celebrate
this upcoming holiday season, but what most people would agree on is that this
is the time to spend it with family and loved ones. The food is always good
too! Then of course the day after is Black Friday, and almost every store has
price cuts and deals for the Christmas season. I’m not quite sure the history
of Black Friday, but please leave a comment if you have any knowledge on the
subject I would love to know more. Last year I heard someone got shot at a
Wal-Mart and this year two people were shot to my understanding. It’s totally
outrageous what people will do to reach their idea of the American dream. Is it
really worth killing someone over products that are being pushed onto us by big
corporate America? I think not, but some
people are forever brainwashed. I did of course participate in the “festivities”
of Black Friday, but it was mostly to make sure my mom wasn’t robbed. We went
to a few stores and I felt like it was a never-ending line, of just waiting. I'm definitely ready for class to resume so I can finish out this semester, that seems never ending as well!
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