
Monday, November 5, 2012

Halloween Fun

I hope everyone had a good Halloween last week. Usually people have plans to hand out candy, go to parties or some people just don’t care. It is a very particular tradition that we take on. Sort of funny if you think about it, kids dressing up to ask for candy. Some would say that the holiday is just a ploy for companies to make money and exploit the consumers to media manipulation. But all the same it’s still a fun holiday, goblins and ghouls, tricks and treats. I even went with a friend to KD for the hallow-scream festival, It was pretty scary with all the people dressed up and trying to scare you. Maybe the best part about Halloween is the movies that come on TV. I’m a big fan of scary movies, even though some can be outrageously stupid, it’s still all for good fun. I’m interested to hear what some parents have to say about trick or treating for children these days. Are there any concerns about where the candy is coming from and if it’s safe for kids to be venerable to those risks. I definitely saw a difference in turn out of kids this year, there was a lot less. 


  1. I went to KD this year too, SO not as good as Ashland Berry Farm if you really like a good scare! & I LOVE HOCUS POCUS, lol :)

  2. I went to Kings Dominion this year too ! It was pretty scary but that might just be because I'm the type of person that gets scared really easily!
